Saturday, March 10, 2012


今天dinner break时跟朋友讨论到了"信仰"。

我的家庭本身是佛教。而我,自然也是佛教徒。可是,我从来不排斥其他宗教,反而还很有兴趣地了解其他宗教,也很乐意参与。在西马工作的一年半里,我认识了兴都教(Hindu),锡克教(Singh),回教(muslim)。 当然,对基督教和天主教我也有一定的认识。我也去教堂,我也去天主教堂。我也会念圣母经,也会歌颂圣歌,也会了解可兰经文。

我通通接受,通通了解,并不像某些偏激的基督徒总说佛教徒拜木偶,非常排斥佛教徒等等。他们难道连最基本的尊重都做不到?而我, 感谢妈咪从小的教诲,一直深深记得妈咪从小就跟我们说,"不管什么宗教,只要不是邪教,就只会教你们好的东西,不会教你们杀人放火,也不会教你们作奸犯科。所以,不要排斥其他宗教,一定要尊重,一定要把好的给学习起来。宗教是你们心灵的寄托,不会让你们心灵空虚。" 一直到现在,妈咪还是这么教着我们。

至于我....每当有人问起我为什么那么"不忠心于自己的宗教而到处去(去拜拜/去做礼拜)"时,我只是用我自己的想法和方式把妈咪的那一套"Summarize"起来,虽然可能有点偏释了妈咪的话 -- 我说:"你怎么知道或许我们的神佛和耶稣基督还有圣母玛利亚其实也像我们一样坐在一起吃东西喝茶聊天,来个"Reunion"或者,马来人的阿拉都或许是他们的邻居呢~" 通常这个时候,问我的人会很没辙地赞同我,因为他们也没得反驳~ 哈哈 xD

也同时突然想起了不久前一个朋友跟我说他没有信仰,唯一的信仰就是"女朋友" =.=// 对此,我记得当时的我只是保持沉默,很无言以对。 其实,我真的不懂这个所谓"信仰"是何解 =)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Long Distance Relationship =)

Some ppl ever asked me wat do i think abt Long Distance Relationship. 
I said, Distance is nvr a matter in a r/ship but the beliefs of the person himself/herself.

I have a lot of frens are having very successful Long Distance Relationship over years (5-6 years) and they are still being together until today. However, many "Short Distance Relationship" juz simply failed in couple of months. Simultaneously, there are some vice versa cases. And thus, i firmly believe in what i have said -- Distance is nvr a matter in a r/ship but the beliefs of the person -- the attitudes towards their r/ship, the trusts, the maturity of handling problems, etc.

In my point of view, nth else wud be more important than "Trust" in maintaining a successful r/ship. Trust plays a very significant role in building / maintaining a r/ship. Therefore, if u can trust him/her who is living so damn far from u like thousands of miles away, tats really beautiful and nth else cud be unsolved obstacle in tis r/ship.

Undoubtedly, u cannot hug ur lover tight n gv him/her a goodnite kiss but jz a text saying sleep tight and sweet dream. However, u get to talk to ur lover and listen to him/her, hear him/her -- which i bet 85% of "Short Distance Relationship" couples fail this.

Think abt how amazing it gonna be when 2 of u are finally about to meet up for the perfect date / vacation! Prior to tat, u laugh more and fight less! arent these wonderful?? ;))  Long Distance Relationship is actually beautiful and yet, why do u let it to ruin ur r/ship? why u blame on the "Distance" when u lost the feelings towards someone?? "Distance" itself shouldnt be ur excuse of fading away ur feelings. Love isnt jz built on feelings but ur heart and sincerity. =)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

我的无价之宝 ♥




比如昨晚,发生了那么大一件事,我庆幸自己还有一个地方可以去号啕大哭,庆幸自己还有那么一个好堂弟真的从小到大地了解我,看着我哭,他也不知所措,却又尽量想办法想让我停止那倾盆大雨,是我自己啊,却越哭越凶,根本止不住泪,索性放声大哭。可怜最怕女子哭的他,真是活受罪了 xD 整盒新的纸巾就那么被我糟踏了呢~ @@
有事发生,再继续呆在自己家里只会让我感觉更冷,更冻。一个没有丝毫温暖的家,不,是屋子;又怎么能让人觉得那是一个永远的避风港?我永远的避风港,只是那几个温暖的人,那些我永远在他/她们面前可以放肆,不顾形象,嚎啕大哭,放声乱笑的人。真的呢,没有了V & Ngo, 我的生活...会是怎样?不敢想象,也从来不用去想象,因为真的,我打从心底地知道也坚信着,以前,现在,未来,她们都会一直在我的生命里,不会离开。距离也从来不曾离间过我们,反而让我们的感情一天比一天地浓厚。昨晚的我,真的很“miserable ”,感谢我可爱的两个爱人特地大老远来陪我,开解我,陪我一起想办法。哈哈!! 真的真的很感动呢~~ 这些感动都是从来不曾从爱情中体会的,也不会是家人给的。

有些家庭真的是在用心来讲话,而有些家庭...却是只能用钱来讲话......那么,我自然只能跟用心讲话的死党/朋友/堂弟来交心了,不是?有人说,讲钱伤感情,尤其是跟外人/朋友,更是不能讲钱。而命运离奇的我,确实是只能跟外人/朋友讲钱,跟家人讲钱只会上演一幕大马版溏心风暴。LOLx. 所以,我的几个无价之宝们,我是真的真的爱你们!!! ♥ 

 我一直深信 -- 朋友再多都好,真正知心的深交只要一两个就够了。这一两个已经能顶几十几百个了。不是每个人的一生中都能那么幸运地拥有那么一两个知心,有些人年过半百都没有一个知己,生活中充满的只是一堆的过客,路人甲乙丙丁。而我,真的承蒙老天爷眷顾,能在那么年轻的年纪就交到了如斯闺蜜,夫复何求?我只会真的用心地感谢她们,珍惜她们,努力呵护我们的情谊,把她们珍藏在心底深处,根深蒂固。

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

理智的No ;))

最近都有人在问我,“你还会和你的Ex复合吗?你还会给他机会吗?” 而我的答案,一直是“No”。

其实并不是自己绝情/无情。而是...这又何必呢?根本没必要的。 就好比说,我已经读完了一本小说,而那既然我知道了小说的结局,我也就不会再一直一直重复地读着那本小说。为什么要把时间花在同一本已经知道了结局的小说呢?? Instead, 我应该利用那时间再去发掘其他更精彩的小说,更能令我获益不浅的小说,去探讨更多更有意义的故事,去体验那一本本新小说不同的结局。这样,不是更有意义吗?


破镜就算重圆,那还是一块破镜,裂缝始终还在。现在裂缝被补上了,看不见了,并不表示它就是好了。哪怕有一天一个不小心,把那块镜子又不小心给轻轻碰了一下,那时的裂缝肯定不止这样了。一定会更大,更难补救,也可能随时没得再补了。所以,那为什么不如就让它处于现状,至少还有那么一点缺陷美,偶尔还可以回味几分,不至于要将它抛弃。这样,不是反而能把那曾经心爱的镜子给保存起来,偶尔闲来没事再拿出来欣赏一番,给它抹一抹灰尘;当思绪飘远时至少还有些淡淡甜味,淡淡哀愁,淡淡涟漪在心底波动。 反之,如果那镜子又再次被破坏了,我们除了断然将它丢弃,又还能怎样呢?

所以,一直觉得自己的理性或许不是人们所谓的“无情”,而是在尽全力地保护着一段脆弱的,易碎的非凡友谊。对啊,那种情谊是非凡的因为对方曾经带给我最大的快乐,最痛的伤痛; 而今却又带给我最诚挚的关怀,当中当然还渗透着他那一点点的愧疚,和最珍贵且得来不易的友谊。所以,为什么要复合呢?就这样平平淡淡地做朋友岂不更好,更妥当,更安心。我不用再提心吊胆天天深怕同样的悲剧又再次上演,也不用张战战兢兢地维护着一段玻璃感情;谁都不知道当玻璃再次破碎,再次被割伤的人还能承受多大的伤痛。

有时候,有些人有些事更适合放在心底某个角落,不占空间,也没攻击性,也不会像定时炸弹随时把自己炸得粉身碎骨。Bittersweet memories,是要这样被珍藏的。

随笔涂鸦 xD

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Clock is Running!!!

Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day.
Every evening the bank deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course?
Each of us has such a bank. It's name is TIME.
Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds.
Every night it writes off as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to a good purpose.
It carries over no balance. It allows no over draft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day.
If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no drawing against "tomorrow."
You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness and success!
Bday Present from Lovely BaoBei to Mom ;)))

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Simple Conclusion

I tendered my 1st resignation with CIMB on 3 November 2011.
But my boss has talked to me and has been persuading me to stay.
I have once confused and struggled for the tough decision making. 
Study?? or Working??
Yea i knw some of u might be asking, y not jz doing part time study whilst full time working.
Yea, i don. i don wana waste my time lik tat and i wana make it quick to have my professional qualification asap.

I have been consulting lotsa friends who are more mature than me, especially Brian, i always talk to him and seek for his opinions for any single things of mine =p yea, im not independent on decision making as i nvr have the confidence on this.

Thanks God i hv Brian who really analyze the pros and cons with me objectively and maturely.
And thus, i hv eventually chose to further my study and chose to leave KL the big city and my "colourful life" thr.

Most of my friends don understd why the happenings me would choose to come back to Kuching instead of staying in KL. Well, i jz simply dono how to explain and dono hw to tell how much i dislike KL. KL is wonderful for shopping, vacation, holiday, etc but living.

Ever since 25/12/2011 (the day i officially moved back to Kuching), i hv never been feeling sad, or whatsoever negative emotions. Up to date what i hv are only happiness, positive feelings and emotions, and feeling in love

I hv bunch of lovers here, all my beloved frens, who re super duper caring one, pampering me to the maximum, my lovely mom and brother here, my soooo many boy frens and girl frens here, etc etc etc.

I am frankly enjoying my life to the fullest here, sing K and movies with my beloved ones for almost everyday, gathering chit chatting, and i hv a very very good "ji mui" who always be my "driver" here fetching me everywhr when im jz simply "lazy to drive", etc
♥ i hv diff lover who always treat me for meals, buy me this and that, listening to me, making fun with me, teasing me etc etc etc.

i jz simply dono hw to reli describe my happiness here in detail, the happiness which i nvr enjoy all these in KL the realistic city. Owh Kuching ppl, i love u all

To Conclude, i Never regret for moving back here but feeling Lucky for this!!!!