Mummy is reali very cute,
she said she has had headache for the whole day as staying in the cave nvr hang out. =p
Sis is busying with her final exam, whilst im of coz at work ma~~
so juz now after work, i brought mom to 1-U to have a walk,
and then we went to SS2 planned to hv a "tong shoi" supper.
Surprisingly, we caught up the "pasar malam" at SS2.
i nvr knw thrs a pasar malam at SS2 on every monday~~
Amazingly, i saw a lotttttt of sarawakian food there!!! awwwww =))))
sorry guys, both me and mummy 4gt to bring our handphone & camera out,
so nvr take any pics, and the pics shown here are actually frm google =p

I will return for the 2nd, 3rd, .... visits!!!!
The tong shui there are really nice!!!! =))
Highly Recommended!!
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