Today is really a bad day for me and dearest sister~ @.@
1st of all, we wanted to watch movie at TGV @ CapSquare (new built shopping complex),
which the movie tickets (Harry Potter) were free from my beloved CIMB.
1st of all, we wanted to watch movie at TGV @ CapSquare (new built shopping complex),
which the movie tickets (Harry Potter) were free from my beloved CIMB.
but UNFORTUNATELY, when we reached there and parked our car at the basement (kinda dark and seldom cars / ppl there as the complex is still very new, a lot of shoplots hvnt operated / opened yet);
sister realized we are being stalked!!!!!!
1st, we thought perhaps it was juz coincidentally tat 3 guys were going to places where we wanted to go.
but, we realized they kept looking at us nvr move their eyesight away from us and kept following us!!!!
we purposely went out of the complex and walked quite far away to the University XXX nearby, hoped they were not following us again.
BUT!!! they stalked us and waited us outside the University!!!! We tried to go back to the complex and went to the food court there (as the food court got ppl having meals there, perhaps would be safe).
they still following us!!!! and even sit there and wait for us!!! LOLx.
SERIOUSLY, we were sooo scared!!!!! i quickly took their pic with my handphone when they were following us and mms to my supervisor, called him and told him wat happened.
it was really tooooo long for me and sister to waste our time escaping from them.
we couldnt cont watching movie as we worried if they would follow us to the carpark,
and we also din dare to just go to carpark to take my car and left.
waited for a right timing when they din notice us, i quickly hold my sister's hand and ran as fast as dogs are behind us (both me and sister scared of dogs to the maximum).
and the crazy guys were quickly moved their ass out from the chairs and followed us again!!!!!
we quickly ran (my sister's hand was freezing cold) and luckily we met a guard of the shopping complex.
i informed the security guard about wat had happened and i seek for his help to bring us to the carpark and mms him the pics taken too. --(i think im reli smart to think of this way to save ourselves from danger!!!)
OMG. this real life "tom & jerry" story took us 1 hour u knw???? HELL!!!!!
OMG. this real life "tom & jerry" story took us 1 hour u knw???? HELL!!!!!
After all, We were really HUNGRY!!!
decided to use up the coupon which i printed from email received from one of my colleague,
and there we went to MCD for dinner.
but guess what????
when i presented this coupon, the crew told me:" sorry miss, this is not our coupon and we nvr do this promotion. this is someone who wanted to sabotage MCD and simply designed this coupon. sorry u cannot use this, we nvr do promotion for gcb as buy one free one."
decided to use up the coupon which i printed from email received from one of my colleague,
and there we went to MCD for dinner.
but guess what????
when i presented this coupon, the crew told me:" sorry miss, this is not our coupon and we nvr do this promotion. this is someone who wanted to sabotage MCD and simply designed this coupon. sorry u cannot use this, we nvr do promotion for gcb as buy one free one."

ahhhddddoooiiiii~~~~~~ wat a day is this?????
we wasted our free movie ticket, and we gt a fake coupon for dinner!!!!! =.=''
haihhhzzzz....anyway, readers, pls take note. this coupon is fake and not useable.
don be like me!!!!!!! =D
so, end up my day at home with my favourite ice-cream -- Häagen-Dazs, Coffee
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