Thursday, December 1, 2011


十二月一直是我最爱的一个月份,不为什么,就因为它是圣诞月 =D







反而我觉得自己正是 paying for it. paying for something tat i think is worthy and he deserves.


--助人为快乐之本,施比受更为有福-- =)))

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

古晋 - 我的充电器

这次回古晋的旅程跟之前不太一样。这次的旅程真的让我感觉很充实,fully recharge!! 星期五晚上班机delayed, 10.15pm我才抵达古晋。肚子简直饿到我发神经 :p 二话不说,当然同我的favorites 们(baby V, yihuang & tze hui)杀到 Open A 去吃我最爱的 SioBi ^_^ 然后就赶去 Happy Hour 了。真的觉得自己已经进步很多,而且意志力也很坚定。因为――我竟然能在Pub里不喝酒!!只喝 Orange Juice!!乖吧~~ =D 而且呀,七早八早就回了;不像之前,不到三四点不回家 :p

第二天,也就是星期六,起个大早想去Damai,结果却下大雨!!! 我晕! @@ 所以只好慢慢享受我超级丰盛的早餐啦!! 早餐点了一堆点心,还有超级好吃的手工面,云吞还有鲜料汤。 As Usual, 点点点,叫叫叫了一堆的我 -- 吃不完!!!haihz..我每次都酱,看着看着什么都好吃,什么都叫,结果没有一次吃得完!! ;p

然后就去看了一常鬼电影,aiyoweiya!! Songgie说我每次吵着爱看鬼戏,结果全场反应最大的又是我。Bleauk~~ 我就是爱刺激的感觉,享受那恐怖的感觉 :p 然后晚上 Ian NG NG就订了一席桌的海鲜晚餐,也是超丰盛的!!NG NG总共点了九大道菜,两道甜品。我们真得很厉害,因为吃光光!!我真的很很很很幸福啊!!回古晋短短两三天,吃的却是我在 kay elle吃的两个星期的分量 :p 然后呢,晚上当然是有去赶场啦~~ 一样的,我很乖!不喝多,而且很早就回家了 ^_^ 真觉得自己dai sek :p

Louis & Nicholas

Joan & Baby V
Me & Baby V

Me & Lui
Me & Yuki

Me & The Ghosts of the Night

第三天,也就是礼拜天,我去了 baby V的外婆家吃午餐。超级好吃的!!我发现只要是被叫“外婆”的人,煮的食物都是一级棒,让人回味无穷!又是一顿海鲜餐!!幸福吧~~~ ^_^ 然后就去吃了上一篇 blog post介绍的炸榴莲。聊着聊着一半半,突然心血来潮想去Damai,二话不说lalaseng就去了。Ah Lui老板也偷懒,提早收店跟我们上Damai咯~ 然后也在 bundao吃了晚餐才回Town。又是一吨超级大餐,又是吃不完 :p 好吧,我知道大家会说“浪费食物”,“非洲人没得吃”bla bla bla xD 回到家冲了凉就 pia去唱歌惹!!唱得很尽兴,跳得很开怀,简直不想回家!唱到 K Box放工了我们还不甘愿回家,我和 Baby V就用I-Pad 开了 Youtube 拿着Mic那边唱得好死好爽~~哈哈!! 神经吧xD 每次跟她在一起,我们什么神经疯狂的事都做得出!! =D

Baby V, Me & Boiboi

齐人之福 xD

然后星期一惹伤心的一天。因为要离开我最爱的土地,回到那不曾也绝对不会是属于我的地方惹 ;((( 决定明年要搬回那属于我的土地惹!!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Perfect Ice 之 炸榴櫣篇

自从 Perfect Ice 推出炸榴櫣之后,我每天每夜每时每刻都在期待回古晋的日子快快到来,好让我能杀那炸榴櫣个片甲不留!!!xD

终于,我好不容易能把昨天给空出来,想到 Perfect Ice 去大快朵颐一番 :p 可是!!! Ah Lui 老板竟然跟我说店没开!!我整个是 @#$%^&*&* 哈哈~~可是当然被我叽里呱啦了一番后,他还是得开店的~~~ :p 而且他亲自下油锅炸给我咧~~ huhu!! ^^

老实说,不是因为大家是朋友,而是真的真的很好吃!!!人称 “钻石舌头 diamond tongue” 的我,不好吃的话,我是不会委屈自己的!可是,昨天 ah lui 炸的炸榴櫣真的被我扫清光!!!真的很好吃呐!! 让我来做个小形容小小介绍下吧 xD


因为Perfect Ice没有偷工减料,所以那炸榴櫣是绝对饱满的!! 一手拿起那炸榴櫣,感觉超有“弹性”的,因为里面的榴櫣够多,那小小一条炸榴櫣还真的是满有重量的说!感觉会害怕那薄薄的外皮随时负荷不了里面那厚厚多多的榴櫣!! 那炸榴櫣外皮薄薄的,一点也不厚,绝对没有所谓的“面粉味” 哦!然后啊,那层薄薄的外皮被炸得刚刚好,火候抓的很准,炸出来是金黄色的,脆脆的,一口咬下去,那“呲呲” 声呐~~哇塞!! 然后噢~~里面的榴櫣才是经典!!那薄薄的皮,包着里面那厚厚的,超级“丰满”的榴櫣,一口咬下去,里面的榴櫣还会因为太过充实而流出来,厚厚的榴櫣肉,香香的榴櫣味,简直让我“榴櫣”忘返,幸福漫溢!!!

我要努力减肥,然后再回去把Perfect Ice的炸榴櫣给扫光光!!!! =D

Ah Lui老板特制 -- 我最爱的“酸溜溜Colourful Sherbet"

Perfect Ice and Fried Durian!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Men do have a Golden heart ;)))

For all the great men/dad’s/ out there…something to share

I think everyone might have read abt Mom's, Wife's and Girl's...
Its time to learn something abt Men... he too has a heart..

A man  is one of the most wonderful creations of God…… He starts compromising at very tender age.

He sacrifices his chocolates for his sister.
Later he sacrifices his love for just a smile on his parents face.

He sacrifices his love for his wife and children by working late nights. He builds their future by taking loans from banks and then repaying them for the life time. Thus he sacrifices full youth for his wife and children without any complain.    

Believe me he struggles a lot but still has to hear the music (scolding) of Mother, wife and his boss. Yet every mother, wife and boss tries to have control over him.
Finally his life ends up by compromising for others happiness. He is that creature of God who no one can compete with.    

Respect every man in your life. You will never know what he has sacrificed for you.

Just extend your hand when he needs it

Men have Emotions and respect it. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Turtle's Birthday (-‿◕)

Ola my beloved Abby "Yima", SELAMAT HARI JADI!!!! xD

This blog post is specially dedicates to my favourite aunty, Abby.

I am really lucky to have such a great aunty in my life; 
who really helped me a lot when i was in need and always listen to me, giving my advices when im lost. 

thank you for helping my family without any hesitation whenever we need help;
thank you for buying me a car when i was studying at outstation facing big transportation problem;
thank you for listening to me and advising me softly, gently and lovely whenever i fought with mom :p ;
thank you for reading tarot card for me whenever i hv prob in my relationships;
thank you for taking care of us especially my little oscar;
thank you for treating us like your own children, at least i feel so xD;
thank you for understanding me at all times;
thank you for making me laugh whenever im angry with sth or feeling moody;
thank you for sharing of all our happiness, sadness, angers, laughters, etc;
thank you for being my aunty ❤ 

to be frank, i love your voice very much, especially when you are talking on the phone with me.
Your gentle and soft voice can just simply calm me down and enlighten my day. 

Lastly, I LOVE YOU, yima!!! xD wishing you a very happy birthday and prosperous year!! 

☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★ ★ ★
║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ B!RTHDAY TO YOU ☆
╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ♥¥☆★☆★☆

Sooner or later we all discover that the important moments in life are not the advertised ones, not the birthdays, the graduations, the weddings, not the great goals achieved.  The real milestones are less prepossessing.  They come to the door of memory unannounced, stray dogs that amble in, sniff around a bit and simply never leave. Our lives are measured by these ;))

with love,

Sunday, October 23, 2011

冰淇 - 你真的走了 - 太好听了

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Life Explained . . . . . . . by Graphs

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Guys having Mistresses

Was chit-chatting with sis at home, talked about "Men having more than one women out thr". 

Yea, her friends around her, ourselves, my friend around me, my relatives, all and all; 
and it seems like "everyone" around us are having similar family background --
Their fathers/husbands are having anoth family out thr, or alot of mistresses out thr;
in conclusion -- there are so many womanisers around us. 

Some wives seems to be very "naive" to "fight" for their marriage by hurting their husbands/mistresses outside;
Some friends hate their fathers to the max;
Some even go directly to the 3rd party out there to "revenge" or scold or slap or whatsoever they can do;

I used to "hate" my dad for having anoth family out thr. But as time goes by, i finally realized that i actuali hurt myself by hurting/hating him. 
Anoth thing is that, i eventually "neutralized" myself by thinking maturely. 
We shouldnt say dad is not a good husband or not a good man. He might not be "good" for mom, but only to mom. if hes bad, how come he can be with her for 15 years? I think the point is juz dad and mom re not suitable for each oth. in terms of their temper, etc. Both of them are damn hot temper, ego, etc. 
A good and healthy relationship mz be built by 2 diff individuals who can match/suit each oth. One Positive and One Negative ;) 

Don talk about others, what about myself xD
I personally think that, since guys are "born to be" womaniser, i mean, most of the time guys wil have anoth girl out thr, and if this is aldy a "principal" which we girls cant change it; and y don we juz adapt to it?

Sometimes guys tend to have anoth girls out there dont mean that they don love us anymore. They might jz need sth more "fresh". i mean, it is jz like... We cant eat chicken rice for every meal everyday. Sometimes we feel lik eating noodles, burgers, etc. But after all and all, chicken rice is still our favourite of most time. 

If we girls know how to "manage" ourselves or work on with the relationships, our boys will still eventually come back to us. 
We jz need to be there whenever they need us, trust them, not to "fight" even if we know they might be cheating us (if tats not a big lie or big deal). Give them a chance if necessary, don be so pushy, don over control them, etc. I bet guys always love freedom, and what we need to do is jz give them the freedom they want, until they re "tired", they wil still come back to rest by our sides. 

Guys take their privacy importantly and critically i guess. So, don check their privacy. Im thinking, if they knw we will check on their mails/phones etc, they will delete the "sin" b4 we found out. rite? Since they will delete the things b4 we found out, so wats the point we still proceed to check their things? even if we check, we oso can check nothing actually. instead, y don we jz gv a trust, or jz don care wat they do; as long as they care for us and we care for them.

For me, don ask. don force. If they feel like telling us, they wil tell. Or else, no matter how or wat we ask oso they wont tell, or should i say, we ourselves are giving them the chance to cheat on us/telling lie. so, wats the point? ;)

No matter u like it or not, the above said are jz purely my personal thoughts. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

My Rojak Sunday

okay, i guess this would be a very long post @@

1st, i skipped my duty for work today and i went to meet up wit Marlene at KL area. 

11.30am, we had our brunch at T-Bowl. 

and then, we went to shop at Pavilion, Fahrenhit, Sephora and Sg Wang. 

in between, we went to Overtime at Pavilion for the buy one free one promotion, ordered the large one xD

owh well, both of us were abit dizzy, early at 5.30pm after the Starker @@

i knw tats so funny of us :p

and then we went to Snowflake to awake ourselves abit :p

uh hum, 2 of us shopped till we were almost jz faint thr as we felt like missing our legs, hands and even our soul. we were sooooo damn super tired, especially carried alot of stuffs!!! 

bought my baby V a super nice red high heels as her bday prezzie, i hope she will like it (myself and marlene oso bought tat for ourselves! so 3 of us are having the same heels!! wooohoooo ;)))

and then went to Timesquare for supper. or should i say dinner, at "SweetChat". and thr my sad story started.


1st, i lost my parking ticket at Timesquare of coz. 
2nd - infinity, i lost my cash of coz, which i dono how much it was; and my credit cards, atm cards, insurance cards, CIMB medical cards (PM Care i meant), original lucky clover certificate, body shop card, shisheido card, esprit card, and A LOT OF CARDS; and den my christmas notes from pH and Songgie (since last year), my mom's photo, my precious folded love and my name sewed by beloved Yin; and A LOT ELSE!!

AND!!!! HILTON'S dinner, lunch and cake redemption from Daddy were stolen as well!!! SHIT!!!! ;(((

haihhhzzzz...wat a day ;(((( 

when the thing happened, my phone was out of batt and totali FLAT! used marlene's phone for the whole nite calling to this and tat bank to immediately block my credit cards and atm cards, called daddy, called my boss for tomoro's EL, and as for my fren, the only number tat i can remember was baby V's num :p hahax!! wat wud my life be without her :))

okay, guessed tats all for today.. GOOD NITE!

ooppsss....and and and!!! i wan the Perfume from Marc Jacobs sooooo much!!! the "Oh-Lola". OMG!!!! tats reli reli ****** i jz cant find any words to describe how perfect it is and how much i want it!!! im jz so poor for tat at this moment ;((((

Monday, October 3, 2011

I-am-SO-HaPpY!!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Okay, I never really been to Beach before (of coz, apart from evening BBQ session), 
becoz "Beach", is jz impressing me on "Hot, Sunburn, Sweating". No more than this :p

And i din knw since when it was, it jz happened that i felt like wanting to have fun at beach!!
I want it soooo muccchhh!!!

BIG THANKIEW to my beloved Songgie, 
when i juz told him tat i nvr been to Damai in Kuching,
(okay, i knw it is a shame, but pls don laugh at me; i was jz simply don like any beach activities previously xD)  
and immediately he promised and planned to bring me to Damai on my next return!! huhu xD

My next return is this month end!!!! HoOooRrraaYyyy =D
* Aldy fixed my Saturday for Songgie ;p PLS DON RAIN! *

Okay okay, since i never been to a beach before, hahax! so I start googling on wat to bring for a beach activity!!! ;p 

My “must have’s” list for a trip to the beach

Comfy clothes

Cover ups

Beach Towels

Flip flops

Beach Hats/Sunnies

Sunscreens, repellents, creams -- Super Must!!!! 

The sun on the beach can be really harsh on the skin. Bring enough waterproof sunscreen to reapply every few hours. Even if it is waterproof, sunscreen must be reapplied every now and then to protect the skin from getting sun burnt. Bring along lip balm with sun screen also to prevent lips from chapping.

Camera - - This is a Must!!! 

Over sized Beach Bag -- To fit in all the above mentioned xD

Okay, i guess bcoz of my saturday Damai trip, im gonna blow off the Halloween Party which i promised to join on the Friday nitez xD
bcoz im scare if i "over-drinking", i might not be able to wake up on Saturday morning :p
Sorry Burstwood xD
Nth else is important than my promise to Songgie :p huhu xD 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Daddy Girl, Forever ♥

It has been a while since i last blogged :p

September was kinda bad for me, indeed;
but when i thought positive of all those bad thingys, i felt it wasnt really tat bad actually xD

Dad always drop by KL without our knowledge (staying for only one night ;(( ),
but for sure, thr re always surprises from him ;))

When i was watching gossip girls on my bed, suddenly...........

Thrs a man's voice "appeared" and totally scared me off, saying......

"Nie, this perfume is for you"

and i was like "wowww!!!" scared me out of a sudden but of coz, i was so so so happy!!!

Was feeling touched bcoz during his last visit, i told him only once, saying tat i wan a perfume fr him.

One thing good about dad is he will always gv us wat we want. and i love him most for this :p (of coz we know wat to request and wat not to xD)

Especially bringing us for dinner, daddy nvr been stingy to us.
His ans is forever "yes" or "okay", no matter what/where we want to eat.
im loving it 

yesterday i e-mailed dad to tell him that mom wan a handphone but i don think i can cover for tat. (as we always dono where the hell on earth dad is, so our communication tool is always E-mail =.=)
30 mins later, dad said he has credited to little bro's acc for tat xD
how sweet he is huh ;))

Dad doesnt really pamper us. im saying this bcoz when i was kinda "jealous" that he bought a lot of LV for grandparents but i don hv, he said he wil buy me if i wan, provided i can complete my ACCA =,=

I felt happy for this bcoz i guess he has forgotten that my prezzie for taking ACCA is actually the full settlement of my car xD

woww...m blogging this happily with a smile on my face and
i reli reli wish i can be a daddy girl forever. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

MaRkeTiNg ;)

* Copy from a Friend from FB ;p *

What's marketing???

①. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: ' I am very rich. Marry me! ' - That's Direct Marketing'

②. You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl. One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at you says: ' He's very rich. 'Marry him.' -That's Advertising'
... ...
③. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and get her telephone number. The next day, you call and say: ' Hi, I'm very rich. 'Marry me - That's Telemarketing'

④. You're at a party and see gorgeous girl. You get up and straighten your tie, you walk up to her and pour her a drink, you open the door (of the car)for her, pick up her bag after she drops it, offer her ride and then say:'By the way, I'm rich. Will you 'Marry Me?' - That's Public Relations'

⑤. You're at a party and see gorgeous girl. She walks up to you and says:'You are very rich! 'Can you marry ! Me?' - That's Brand Recognition'

⑥. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: 'I am very rich. Marry me!' She gives you a nice hard slap on your face. - ' That's Customer Feedback '

⑦. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: 'I am very rich. Marry me!' And she introduces you to her husband. - 'That's demand and supply gap'

⑧. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and before you say anything, another person come and tell her: 'I'm rich. Will you marry me?' and she goes with him - 'That's competition eating into your market share'

⑨. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and before you say: 'I'm rich, Marry me!' your wife arrives. - ' That's restriction for entering new markets'


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Simple Life

As we grow up,
we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will.

You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts.
You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by.

So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt.

Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances.
you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts.

Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

LittLe BroTheR's BirThdaY CeLebRatioN

Our Prince OscaR's Big Day is on 19/09. The Sweet 17 ;)))  

But since he is here, we celebrate his Birthday in Advance =D

We went to "My Elephant" at Seksyen 17 for a Thai Dinner. 

Yeeuuu!!!  to be frank, the dinner sucks!!! I wonder y isit sooo many recommendations for tat restaurant =.='' BAD!! 

Papaya Tom Sam Salad. NO TASTE AT ALL!

Chicken. this is not bad. 
The Worst Tom Yam tat i hv ever tried! 
Elephant's Platters. So-so RM22
Soya Squid, BAD! 

Well, total cost for this dinner was about RM150.

The price itself wasnt expensive. But if comparing with the 'value' of the dinner, it wasnt worth it!!! BAD!

Sorry my prince for bringing you to the wrong place ;(

I din knw too, jz had a try on ppl's so called STRONGLY RECOMMENDED ;(((

Next, we went to my favourite hang out place --
OverTime for the Starker v(^_^v)

The Prince's Bday Cake from Louis ;)

Make A Wish =D

Long Island RM30

A bday Kiss for the Bday Boy :p
and i Guessed he was drunk @@

Tonite's Promotion @ OverTime:--
buy 1 BIG Starker (RM30) and FREE 1 SMALL Starker (RM16) ;))) 

GREAT!!! We took BIG Starker all the way down down down :p

Okies Dokies~~ Good Night World, Happy Birthday to all September Babies ;)))